Ayr-Paris Band

Ok...I've been seriously delinquent in sharing the finer details of my experiences. First, I want to go back to our night with the Tyrolean entertainers. We had a superb server during our supper. Her name is Manuella and she was amazing to watch! She served a room of around 70 people with speed and accuracy. This is the type of stuff you would see in a movie! I got a picture of her with Dudley. She's the one who put Dudley there!

Our concert got rained out, but we put on an impromptu one in our hotel courtyard after dinner. We all wore our Nessum Dorma shirts and sat under the awning. The rain stopped and we had a bit of an audience (besides the obligatory one, consisting of our group members). A small group from India, who were staying at our hotel, joined us and videotaped everything! A few even stayed later into the night to enjoy a few rounds of singing and drinking (not necessarily in that order!) These fellows are holding Dudley and small Canadian pins.

Earlier, some of us made our way to the Swarovski crystal museum. This lovely chap welcomed us at the enntrance! Needless to say, we spent a lot of money there!

Gotta go, bus is leaving!!

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